Well my second Mothers Day was amazing! I didn't expect anything since we were planning to spend the day with Gus' family and my family at the lake. So our first order of business for the morning was to get ready for that. I was sitting on the couch when Gus and Beckham walk in with a huge card. Literally HUGE card! Bigger than Beckham. I started to cry since my husband usually isn't that great with surprises. Usually he gets too excited and spills the beans early. When I open the card the entire left side was filled with amazing heartfelt words from my husband and apparently he had had this card for weeks and had been writing in it the entire time. I was so happy and had an overwhelming sense of love and appreciation. It's and experience I'll never forget.
Beckham all day was so loving toward me and kept coming up to me saying mama and kissing me like he knew it was an extra special day to let me know he loves me. It was so sweet. I'm so blessed to have such and amazing hubby and sweet baby boy and feel even more blessed that we get two more amazing additions to our family soon.